Robert C. Knoeppel is a longtime educator and noted scholar on educational finance innovation, school finance, accountability policy, and leadership. He began his career in Virginia working as a school counselor, administrator, and coach for the public school system. Knoeppel started in higher education full time in 2004 at the University of Kentucky. Over the course of his career, he has authored more than 100 refereed journal publications, book chapters, technical reports, and conference papers and co-authored the textbook “Financing education in a climate of change.” He has served with multiple professional associations, including the National Education Finance Academy, where he was recently installed as president. That organization honored him with its Scholarly Paper of the Year Award for three consecutive years. Prior to joining William & Mary in 2020, Knoeppel served as dean of the University of South Florida’s College of Education. He holds both a master’s and doctorate from the University of Virginia.

Robert C. Knoeppel
Dean of the William & Mary School of Education
Ph.D., University of Virginia